Setting NTFS permission of multiple folders in Windows 2008

Windows 2008 and 2008R2 are awesome. One feature I missed the most from my Windows 2003 is the ability to assign/remove permission to/from MULTIPLE folder. For some reason Microsoft decided to take this functionality away from their GUI. I had to add/remove users from 20+ folders recently, and it’s not pleasant to do it manually on each folder. I can write the command line to do this using cacls or icacls, but i don’t always remember the slashes I need. So, I spent about half hour to create a simple windows application to accomplish this. Keep in mind that I only spent 30 minutes writing this app. So there is minimal error checking. One thing to keep in mind is that if you are granting or removing local groups, you should use builtin\group_name instead of server_name\Group_name. In the future, I will probably extend the functionality so I can select multiple folders using GUI.

To get started, just download the executable and run it.

Screen shot:

NTFSSetter - Assign/delete permission to/from multiple=



4 thoughts on “Setting NTFS permission of multiple folders in Windows 2008

  1. Hello. Thanks for this program. It works but can you assist us further? We have a drive called f:\data\exam. In the exam folder are users exam1 to exam100 (for example). How do you add multiple users (exam1 to exam100) to effect the change? We would like to add each of our admins to each user. Also, if there are folders already in the exam folder, why do the changes of the program not affect them? I hope I make sense.

  2. Sir! This is a great software, thank you very much. If you plan on updating it, then the only thing that I would like to recommend is to have an ability to select multiple folders to be added at the same time to the selection window. Right now it only looks like you can add one folder at the time. Otherwise it works perfect!

    Thank you!

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